Трябва дебело да подчертаем, че Релативната теория решава само частната задача
за координатите и времето на светлинен сигнал, изхождайки от неговите гранично
точни връзки: радиусвектор Rс=с.tс
; R'с=с.t'с и (с.tс)2=xс2+yс2+zс2 ;
(с.t'с)2=x'с2+y'с2+z'с2 като
единно за системи К и K' геометрично място на челата
на сигналите от общото начало O'=O. Физиката
обаче се нуждае от решение за общия случай на произволните събития с параметри x, y, z, t. Тук уподобяването R=V.t (където V е съизмерима
с v) е безпредметно...субординацията (V.t)2=x2+y2+z2, като геометрично място
на тяхното случване, не съществува. Но дори и да е възможна,
приложеното от Теорията механично заместване на обобщената
величина (V.t) с частната (с.tс)
във вида (с.tс)2=x2+y2+z2 е изцяло
некоректно. Тази компилация ще е вярна пак и пак само за светлинен сигнал. Т.е.
(с.tс)2=x2+y2+z2 в
действителност е (с.tс)2=xс2+yс2+zс2,
което означава, че Релативната теория все още няма трансформации за общия
случай на преобразуване на произволни събития.
петък, 4 декември 2015 г.
неделя, 20 септември 2015 г.
Abstract (MT)
TRANSFORMATIONS) We are facing the task to transform arbitrary coordinate
x and time t
of the stationary system K in moving
system K' and vice versa. Its direct solution is
impossible as x, t of K we measure with
scales K and
x', t' of K' – with
scales K', with no connection
between the two measurements. For the
realization of such a link, we
are introducing a light signal
whose unchanging speed is a scale, united for
both systems. But x, t and x', t' are independent in the general
case, while, at the signal, they are bound in the form: xс=c.tс and
x'с=c.t'с. We therefore have necessarily a distinguishable between controls and fields. However, the
relative theory only works
with ones indications on what passes for a
regime of arbitrary x, t ; x', t'
in a regime of interdependence x=c.t x'=c.t' and comes back as it sees fit. From
here, result essential misunderstandings.
понеделник, 17 август 2015 г.
Abstract (МТ)
working out of the Lorentz transformations, we must deal with two tasks in
strict technological sequence: First we need to solve the auxiliary private task:
Converting of the coordinates and time of the
particular event "light
signal" from system K in system K' (and
vice versa). Then we need to solve the
main common task: Converting
of the coordinates and time of arbitrarily event from
system K in system
K' (and vice versa). The second decision constitutes generalizing of the reached private conclusions. Of exceptional
importance is these two steps meticulously to
distinguish since, in the stage
of the private solving, the
quantities x, t and x', t' are parameters of
the light signal, thus they are directly bound to the dependences x=c.t, x'=c.t . While, in generalizing of the private solutions, the quantities x, t already are arbitrarily
parameters of arbitrarily event. And because there has been a private task the
mathematical rules require its
solving to bring to an end.
Only then becomes possible the wanted generalization of the conclusions.
After the made clarifications, already we can objectively
to estimate that the
Relative theory is not quite
clearly with these hard marks. In particular,
the Theory expectedly starts
in the way of solving of the private task (no
alternative approach). Applying the dependencies x=c.t, x'=c.t', it reaches to the following equations (replace b=(1-v2/c2)1/2): <<x'=(x-vt)/b ; t'=(t-vx/c2)/b - viewpoint K' (1)>>. Here, contrary to all rules
and without justifications
the Theory terminates the further rationalization wantonly declaring that
equations (1) are wanted most general transformations
to transfer of an arbitrarily coordinates and time from one system to
another. And, in
fact, the operating procedure is still in the regime of
solving of the private task since mathematical operations are clearly not exhausted. I.e. at expressions (1)
continues to be in force the private connection x=c.t.
With its application the same expressions take on the type (replace a=1-v/c):
<<x'=(a.x)/b ; t'=(a.t)/b - viewpoint K' (2)>>. Formulas (2) are
the final decision of the private
task. Only now we have the right
to move on to the second step - to generalizing
conclusions (2) already as a solution of the common task. With this
the purpose of the assignment can be considered definitively achieved.
вторник, 23 юни 2015 г.
Abstract (MT)
The clarification of
Lorentz transformations in depth for the last time brings to light the bankruptcy of speculation
called four-dimensional space-time. In principle, the
transformations x'=(x-vt)/b ; t'=(t-vх/c2)/b – viewpoint К' (2) are nothing more than formal
equations. And then, like each
equation not represent nothing more than comparing the two opposing sides. Precisely finding the difference between these sides, in
this case this are the systems K and K', is a task and solution of the equations.
However, while in the usual equations (comparisons) the parties stand stationary in
equations (2) the one party (system K') moves to
the other (system K). Just at this feature hides the knot
for unraveling. It is clear that due to the relative movement of the systems, in the considered moment t
system K' is remote
right along the X axis of the distance OO'. But the kind of
the Lorentz transformations for this moment shows that they do not accurately reflect that fact. In particular, their structure (2) points
to the circumstance that they in practice return system
K' to the starting position O=O',
preserving all physical changes in it for a
reason the movement. In a word, from the expressions in
brackets of the Lorentz transformations
becomes visible the fact that they eliminate (exclude, liquidate) the displacement ОО' between the systems and as
meters, and as seconds, bringing in such a way system K' in the standard
stationary state towards system K.
неделя, 7 юни 2015 г.
Abstract (MT)
In the paper, I give quite
elementary solution to the Lorentz transformations based entirely on Newtonian
mechanics, whatever the contemporary physics considers impossible.
order to show that I will present the transformations for the exemplary case "Inertial
system K' moves with velocity v to right relative
to a stationary system K along the axes X'=X " with the laying b=(1-v2/c2)1/2,
x'=(x–v.t)/b ; t'=(t–v.x/c2)/b – viewpoint К' (1)
Now in essentially... In expressions (1) x coordinate is nothing more than the distance which the
light signal travels in a system K for time t with speed с. That is, here will be
in force the classical connection
x/c=t. This logic not subject to contestation. Then dependencies (1) I can write in the following way (with the laying a=1-v/c):
x'=(x–v.х/с)/b or x'=x(1–v/с)/b or x'=x.а/b
t'=[t–(v/с).(x/c)]/b or t'=(t–v.t/c)/b or t'=t(1–v/c)/b or
Only goodness knows deep in what incomprehensible mysteries
may be found inseparable intertwining of meters and seconds. Because in the
exposed objective reality obviously such precedent does not exist (in the nature not become miracles).
четвъртък, 28 май 2015 г.
Directly to the question this is what the specialists
V.V.Struchkov and B.M.Yavorskiy write: "In the Lorentz transformations the spatial coordinates and time are closely
intertwined and the time is
impossible to separate from the
spatial coordinates. In the STR, the space and time
represent a unitary variety; it is called space-time. This is a four-dimensional variety in which it can not be
broken down into two independent variety: a three-dimensional coordinate space
and one-dimensional time."
scientific utterances on the subject accentuate precisely on the circumstance
that the spatial coordinates and time are intertwined and it is impossible to
separate. This
understanding is devoid of realism
and taking general ideological reason and taking a concrete factlogy. Actually, it comes to one a general fallacy as a result of
uncritically pursuit of the Special Theory. To be
able distinctly to show this, let us first to present the Lorentz
transformations for the exemplary event "Inertial
system K' moves with velocity v to right relative
to a stationary system K along the axes X'=X " with the laying b=(1-v2/c2)1/2
x'=x/b – (v.t)/b ; t'=t/b – (v.x/c2)/b – viewpoint K' (1)
Form (1)
of the transformations is intimidating because
of the obvious presence of not incompletely
carried out mathematical operations.
Relativism, however, accepts it as final, announcing that this
unfolded sort is due
precisely of the in question interweaving of the spatial coordinates with the
time which phenomenon leads to the impossibility to further mathematical rationalization. For a demonstrativer plan of this strange
position and its criticism will write the transformations (1) in
following excellent sort:
x'=(x–v.t)/b ; t'=(t–v.x/c2)/b – viewpoint K' (2)
Of the expressions (2)
makes clear that the relative doctrine there is a problem with the operation in
brackets - considers it unrealizable for the prominent reason. The full
insolvency of this concept becoms visible in expressing of the Lorentz
transformations ounly with dimensions m for the meters of coordinates and s for
seconds of time, namely:
m'=(m–m.s/s)/b or m'=(m–m)/b
; s'=(s–m.m.s2/m2.s)/b or s'=(s–s)/b (3)
is not observed any interweaving of spatial and temporal dimensions and operation in the brackets is completely feasible.
After its performance is
m'=m/b ; s'=s/b (4)
(3), (4) throw
new light on the Lorentz transformations,
with curious implications
for the conclusions of the Special
вторник, 5 май 2015 г.
Abstract (МТ)
PRINCIPLE OF RELATIVITY means a principle of identity, principle of one-quality, principle of the same-sex medium, principle of
inconspicuousness. In a word,
a principle of relativity means principle of indefiniteness
and, then, principle of incognizability (be searched and recognize a white
stain on a white screen is nonsense).
PRINCIPLE OF OPPOSITES means a principle of duality (of dualism), principle of polarity, principle
of the androgynous model,
principle of difference. In a word, a principle of opposite means principle of definiteness of the one by the other
and, then, principle of winning picks (the difference between two objects makes them identifiable).
It is
clearly seen that the presented
two principles are incompatible. The moving relative to one another inertial systems are subordinate
or on relativity (indefiniteness)
or on opposite (definiteness). Another possibility
does not exist. One of the principles should be insolvent.
To this
factual situation, Einstein approached in the following way: First at the base of
the study put the principle of
relativity for absolute identity of the
inertial systems (the same two
systems are moving relative to one another). But then does
not start to build Theory on the condition for their
full equality, as required by this principle, and passes to the principle of opposite by introducing the opposition "stationary system-a
system in motion" (the one system is moving relative to the other). Such opposition cannot be symbolic,
just for convenience because now completely real toward
one system has a speed, while toward the other will
not. Precisely on the basis of this opposition and,
then, precisely in accordance with the principle of opposite Einstein works out the ratios called Lorentz transformations,
giving arisen from
this confrontation differences between systems. Barely then returned beak to the
principle of relativity, considering possible and plausible already
the extracted results of difference of the systems to be converted into identity.
whole this maneuvering has its logical explanation. Simple the principle of relativity does not conform to the rules of mathematics. The last
are adequate precisely on the principle of opposite (each equation represents
a comparison of the two opposite sides...the decision of the equation consists of in finding the difference
between the two sides). Videlicet, Einstein is forced
to lay a opposite of the systems to be able to work out the equations called Lorentz
transformations. And through them reveals that the systems are really differ in their parameters. But then,
to return on the principle of relativity, he makes
the strange move of unification of the differing systems. In this way
arrives at the paradoxical final conclusion that the
systems simultaneously are different
and identical.
But in the Nature does not become miracles! It is clear that to such an outcome could be reached only by distortion of mathematics, namely: Expressed symbolically, the theory of relativity proposes on condition, giving a difference between the values A and B on the type A=B/b, for your feedback to be in force the identical dependence B=A/b, but not mathematically correct B=A.b, which is an obvious parody.
ПРИНЦИП НА ОТНОСИТЕЛНОСТ означава принцип на тъждественост, принцип на еднокачественост, принцип на еднополовост, принцип на неразличимост. С една дума, принцип на относителност означава принцип на неопределеност и, значи, принцип на непознаваемост (да се търси и разпознае бяло петно върху бял екран е безсмислица).
ПРИНЦИП НА ПРОТИВОПОЛОЖНОСТ означава принцип на двойнственост (на дуализъм), принцип на полярност, принцип на двуполовост, принцип на различие. С една дума, принцип на противоположност означава принцип на определеност на едното чрез другото и, значи, принцип на познаваемост (разликата между два обекта ги прави разпознаваеми).
Ясно се вижда, че разглежданите два принципа са несъвместими. Движещите се една спрямо друга инерциални системи са подвластни или на относителност (неопределеност), или на противоположност (определеност). Друга възможност не съществува. Единият от принципите следва да е несъстоятелен.
това фактическо положение Айнщайн подхожда по следния начин: Първо в основата
на изследването поставя принципа на относителност за абсолютна тъждественост на
инерциалните системи (две еднакви системи се движат една спрямо друга). После
обаче не тръгва да строи Теорията по условието за тяхното пълно равноправие,
както се изисква от този принцип, а преминава към принципа на противоположност
чрез въвеждане на противопоставянето "неподвижна система-система в
движение" (едната система се движи спрямо другата). Това противопоставяне не
може да бъде символично, само за удобство, защото вече напълно реално към
едната система има скорост, докато към другата няма. Именно на базата на тази
противоположност и, значи, именно в съответствие с принципа на противоположност
Айнщайн извежда съотношенията, наречени Лоренцови трансформации, даващи
възникналите от това противопоставяне разлики между системите. Едва след това
се връща обратно на принципа на относителност, считайки за възможно и
достоверно вече добитите резултати за различие на системите да се превърнат в
Цялото това маневриране има своето логично обяснение. Просто принципът на относителност не съответства на правилата на математиката. Последните са адекватни именно на принципа на противоположност (всяко уравнение представлява сравняване на две противни страни...решението на уравнението се състои в намиране на разликата между двете страни). Сиреч, Айнщайн е принуден да положи противоположност на системите, за да може да изведе уравненията, наречени Лоренцови трансформации. А чрез тях разкрива, че системите наистина се различават по своите параметри. След това обаче, за да се върне на принципа на относителност, той предприема странния ход на отъждествяване на различаващите се системи. По този начин стига до парадоксалния краен извод, че системите хем се различават, хем са тъждествени.
Но в Природата не стават чудеса! Ясно е, че до такъв резултат може да се стигне само чрез изопачаване на математиката, а именно: Изразено симнолично, теорията на относителността предлага, при условие, даващо различие между величините А и В от вида А=В/b, за обратната връзка да е в сила тъждествената зависимост В=А/b, а не математически коректната В=А.b, което е очевидна пародия.
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