DECISION OF RELATIVE TASK WITH THREE CLOCKS: Three identical clocks (systems, brothers triplets) К, К' and K" are located on one line. Initial on the left is a clock K', which moves to the right with velocity v. At some distance from it stands the stationary clock K. And a third, at a considerable distance from both is a clock K", which moves to the left with velocity v. Follows the process of capturing of the times: First, a clock K' meetings clock K, respectively, K' is updated with K. Afterward, a clock K' meetings clock K", respectively, K" is updated with K', i.e, takes the indication K'. So the indication K" becomes (and remains) the same as indication K', wherever they may be is located a clock K' along the line of movement. Finally a clock K" meetings clock K, returning so the time t' back at the starting point of measurement. At this moment, the times t'=t" and t of the two clocks are compared directly. By itself is understood that the result will be one: either t'=t"<t, or t<t'=t".