It seems today's physics does not know what is space. The truth of space begins here: Only matter forms space, is spatial! There is no matter without space – there is
no space without matter! In confirmation of this maxim are the parameters of
the primary
cell of matter: Mass m0=h/c2 – boundary discrete portion of matter, with linear size l0, the Planck’s constant h=E0 – boundary discrete portion of energy, l0* - distance between the masses m0, total linear size r0*=l0+l0* (between the
centers of two masses m0) and a linear
density p0*=m0/r0*, where m0, h and c are basic constants, and r0* and p0* - regional. The bipolar structure
of the microcell generates a force F0*=G.ρ0*.ρ0*, where G=c2/ρ0* is the
gravitational constant (which is also regional). Hence ρ0*=c2/G, r0*=m0/p0*. This is the quantum unit of the