Abstract (MT)
It is by all means proved scientific
fact that the World is structured on the Principle of opposites. Space and time
are opposite natures – material and ideal.
The united space-time is a fiction
of relativism. We will demonstrate this with the Lorentz
transformations between the inertial systems K and K' (we accept that
the source of light K'(x', t') is
moving in relation to K(x, t) , for example, to the right with
velocity v on the axes X'=X and replace b=(1-v2/c2)1/2).
The appearance of the transformations [x'=(x-v.t)/b ; t'=(t-v.x/c2)/b] is obviously intermediate
(suggests that the mathematical
operation in brackets is not bringed to the end). The expressions vt and vx/c2 have the meanings, accordingly vt=Δx and vx/c2=Δt,
which means that the so-called united
space-time is an invention (fiction)
of relativism. Actually, ∆x and ∆t are
manifestly corrections to the x coordinate
and time t, caused by transposition
of the systems and the top speed of light. As a result (x-∆x)=xcor is the corrected
coordinate x and (t-∆t)=tcor is the corrected
time t. I.e. x' and t' are not
reciprocal of x and t , but they are reciprocal quantitys of xcor and tcor . Therefore, we can represent the transformations in their
lawful form: x'=xcor/b ; t'=tcor/b (or
l'=l/b ; t'=t/b) for
viewpoint K'. Then, without any doubt, the reverse expressions will be these: xcor=x'.b ; tcor=t'.b (or
l=l'.b ; t=t'.b) for viewpoint K (only in this way the laws retain
their shape). It is these dependences
are obtained at the solving of the experiment of Michelson-Morley. And so, according to Lorentz
transformations, the true meaning of the
ratio (parameters K')=k(parameters K) is a
Principle of similarity (k is a coefficient of similarity). The Principle of
relativity appears without absolute status. It remains in force only in
conditions of the so-called isolated laboratory (lack of an opposite side).
Only then, in no way can be established whether k is b, or 1/b.
Keywords: inertial systems, Lorentz
transformations, Principle of opposites, Principle
of relativity