In all cyclical
movements, including electromagnetic waves, it is about a process of
transformation of energy by many
time repetitions
the same cycle. Here we will show the three legal situations that determine
this transformation, namely: 1) Amount of the transformed energy E0
from one cycle. The energy E0
from one cycle will be a constant value as it is
a result of unchangeable initial conditions. At a
level E0=h – the Planck’s constant...depends on the constant structure of the field matter. 2) Total amount of the transformed energy E
from n performed cycle. The total energy E is equal to the constant energy from one cycle E0=h,
multiplied by the number n of the
cycles performed – E=h.n. 3) Speed
of transformation of the energy dE/dt or power of the process according to the dependence: N=dE/dt=h.(dn/dt) or N=h.f, where f=dn/dt is the process frequency (number
of oscillations per unit time). The compilation E=h.f, proposed by M. Plank, is a misunderstandin. This is evidenced
by its juxtaposition with the dependence E=h.n
for random radiation – for example with a frequency f=600.1012Hz, where n=600.1012
is the number of oscillations: According to today's formula E=h.f, for 1 sec. the emitted energy is
E1=h.f, for 2 sec. – E2=E1=h.f, for 3
sec. – E3=E1=h.f, etc. This result is obviously implausible. The correct conclusion follows from formula E=h.n, namely: Е1=h.х;n
Е2=2Е1=h.2n ; Е3=3Е1=h.3n etc.
time, the number n of the
oscillations is doubled, tripled, etc.).