Abstract: In the article, we give
definitions of the mass (m) and energy (E) and show the exact transformations of mass (m), a length (L) and
time (t). We analyze the differences with today's physics. So, the mass
means a quantity of matter, and the energy – a quantity of ability to act on
this matter. The mass and energy are neither lost nor created. They are only
converted from a potential state (mp, Ep) into kinetic (mk,
Ek) and vice versa. Hence the three laws of conservation: m=mp+mk
– const., Е=Еp+Еk –
const., Е/m=Еp/mp=Еk/mk=k
– const. Transformations between
systems K (at rest) and K' (in motion) are obtained in the form: m'/m=L'/L=t'/t=(number N<1), where
N=(1-v/c)1/2/(1+v/c)1/2 , i.e. with a change of speed,
the mass, the length and the time change simultaneously, in one direction and
to the same extent (with increasing speed
they diminish). It is precisely in this way that the laws
retain their form in all systems (the summation of the constituent magnitudes
is always zero).