
четвъртък, 28 май 2015 г.


Abstract     (МТ)
Directly to the question this is what the specialists V.V.Struchkov and B.M.Yavorskiy write: "In the Lorentz transformations the spatial coordinates and time are closely intertwined and the time is impossible to separate from the spatial coordinates. In the STR, the space and time represent a unitary variety; it is called space-time. This is a four-dimensional variety in which it can not be broken down into two independent variety: a three-dimensional coordinate space and one-dimensional time."
All scientific utterances on the subject accentuate precisely on the circumstance that the spatial coordinates and time are intertwined and it is impossible to separate. This understanding is devoid of realism and taking general ideological reason and taking a concrete factlogy. Actually, it comes to one a general fallacy as a result of uncritically pursuit of the Special Theory. To be able distinctly to show this, let us first to present the Lorentz transformations for the exemplary event "Inertial system K' moves with velocity v to right relative to a stationary system K along the axes X'=X " with the laying b=(1-v2/c2)1/2 :
x'=x/b – (v.t)/b ; t'=t/b – (v.x/c2)/b  – viewpoint K'         (1)                                    
Form (1) of the transformations is intimidating because of the obvious presence of not incompletely carried out mathematical operations. Relativism, however, accepts it as final, announcing that this unfolded sort is due precisely of the in question interweaving of the spatial coordinates with the time which phenomenon leads to the impossibility to further mathematical rationalization. For a demonstrativer plan of this strange position and its criticism will write the transformations (1) in following excellent sort:
x'=(x–v.t)/b ; t'=(t–v.x/c2)/b  – viewpoint K'             (2)
Of the expressions (2) makes clear that the relative doctrine there is a problem with the operation in brackets - considers it unrealizable for the prominent reason. The full insolvency of this concept becoms visible in expressing of the Lorentz transformations ounly with dimensions m for the meters of coordinates and s for seconds of time, namely:
m'=(m–m.s/s)/b   or   m'=(m–m)/b  ;  s'=(s–m.m.s2/m2.s)/b    or   s'=(s–s)/b       (3)
Videlicet is not observed any interweaving of spatial and temporal dimensions and operation in the brackets is completely feasible. After its performance is obtained:
m'=m/b  ;  s'=s/b                          (4)
Results (3), (4) throw new light on the Lorentz transformations, with curious implications for the conclusions of the Special theory.