The Michelson interferometer was
dissolved in 1800. Ray 1 and ray 2 going on his shoulders, pass through the delaying them a glass plate with
a thickness d=1mm and a refractive index n=1,46, while on return they move in
an air environment. Their times t1
and t2 are as follows: Ray 1
(on the velocity v of the Earth)
– t1=(d.n)/c+(v.d.n2)/c2 +d/c–(v.d)/c2.
Ray 2 (against the
velocity v of the Earth)
– t2=(d.n)/c–(v.d.n2)/c2+d/c+(v.d)/c2.
wave 2 outstrips wave 1 by time Δt=t1–t2=(2.к.v.d.n2)/c2.
On the screen of the device, at the size L between the crests of the waves, at
time Δt will correspond their displacement ΔL=(L/Т).
, where Т=λ/с is the period,
к=(1–1/n2). From here it will be
in force: ΔL/L=(2.к.v.d.n2)/(λ.c). At λ=5.10-7m is obtained ΔL=0,45L
value, easy to

Keywords: Special theory, Second postulate, Michelson-Morley