Abstract (MT)
It is by all means proved scientific
fact that the World is structured on the Principle of opposites. Space and time
are opposite natures – material and ideal.
The united space-time is a fiction
of relativism. We will demonstrate this with the Lorentz
transformations between the inertial systems K and K' (we accept that
the source of light K'(x', t') is
moving in relation to K(x, t) , for example, to the right with
velocity v on the axes X'=X and replace b=(1-v2/c2)1/2).
The appearance of the transformations [x'=(x-v.t)/b ; t'=(t-v.x/c2)/b] is obviously intermediate
(suggests that the mathematical
operation in brackets is not bringed to the end). The expressions vt and vx/c2 have the meanings, accordingly vt=Δx and vx/c2=Δt,
which means that the so-called united
space-time is an invention (fiction)
of relativism. Actually, ∆x and ∆t are
manifestly corrections to the x coordinate
and time t, caused by transposition
of the systems and the top speed of light. As a result (x-∆x)=xcor is the corrected
coordinate x and (t-∆t)=tcor is the corrected
time t. I.e. x' and t' are not
reciprocal of x and t , but they are reciprocal quantitys of xcor and tcor . Therefore, we can represent the transformations in their
lawful form: x'=xcor/b ; t'=tcor/b (or
l'=l/b ; t'=t/b) for
viewpoint K'. Then, without any doubt, the reverse expressions will be these: xcor=x'.b ; tcor=t'.b (or
l=l'.b ; t=t'.b) for viewpoint K (only in this way the laws retain
their shape). It is these dependences
are obtained at the solving of the experiment of Michelson-Morley. And so, according to Lorentz
transformations, the true meaning of the
ratio (parameters K')=k(parameters K) is a
Principle of similarity (k is a coefficient of similarity). The Principle of
relativity appears without absolute status. It remains in force only in
conditions of the so-called isolated laboratory (lack of an opposite side).
Only then, in no way can be established whether k is b, or 1/b.
Keywords: inertial systems, Lorentz
transformations, Principle of opposites, Principle
It is by all means proved and
generally recognized scientific fact that the Nature is structured
on the Principle of opposites, which is a Principle of difference, of
asymmetry, of determination, which
precisely gives the cognitive function and ability of the mind. At the same time, physics is raising the stunning
thesis that inertial systems make an exception to this fundamental law
of Universum. According to it they are absolutely identical, which means that
the states "peace" and "movement" are indistinguishable. This discrepancy clearly outlines the three specific aspects
of the problem "inertial systems":
physical, mathematical and philosophical. What is the factual
The Lorentz
transformations within the normal mathematics
As it is well known [1, part
II, p. 464], the Lorentz transformations between the inertial systems K(x, t) and K'(x', t') seem so (we accept that the source of light K' is moving in relation to K with velocity v on the axes X'=X (Y'=Y=0, Z'=Z=0) and replace b=(1-v2/c2)1/2):
x'=x/b-v.t/b ; t'=t/b-v.x/c2.b – viewpoint K' (1)
or x'=(x-v.t)/b ; t'=(t-v.x/c2)/b – viewpoint K' (1)
This generally
accepted kind (1) makes an impression with the unwonted segmented form of expressions which is subject to interpretations
too vague and does not give a precise idea of the proportions we are interested
in: x'/x and t'/t .
extraction of coefficient b in front
brackets allows us to explicitly remind that the reverse transition
is always a matter of alphabetical mathematical rule: as soon as x'=(x-v.t)/b; t'=(t-v.x/c2)/b –
viewpoint K' , it will be in force
(x-v.t)=x'.b ; (t-v.x/c2)=t'.b –
viewpoint K (2)
In a more general form, as soon as A=B/b –
viewpoint А, it will be in force
only B=A.b –
viewpoint B, and b=B/A , respectively, 1/b=A/B – correlation of the two
viewpoints. This is
because any mathematical
equation expresses a circular
comparative procedure, operation in a closed contour. Only in this way, the laws retain
their shape. [2] And the movement itself of the processes in a circle, in turn, is a general law
of the nature, respectively, of the thinking, which means of the philosophy, physics,
mathematics and logic.
It would not be superfluous to remind that the Special theory for its twin postulates
stands quite artificially
outside this legitimate framework. Broadly speaking, after action "going" from K
to K'
(by erected thesis K, to the antithesis K'),
is missing action "return" back into K for the synthesis solution, respectively, for completion of the cognitive process (part
of the philosophical side of the question).
Let us once
again explicitly to point out
that the formula "circular
(closed) configuration" is an irrevocable characteristic, condition,
law in the final reckoning a force model of organization and form of existence of the
Universe. [3]
The equations
(1)-(2) are the only possible option (combination) of this relationship. Transformations between the two sides of
equations cannot be other, but inverse. The expression for point of view K
follows immediately from (1). This transition brings guarantee for
absolute veracity because the rules of omnipresent mathematics are not susceptible
to falsification or disregarding.
We must stress that
there can be no equation (dependence, relation, connection)
without two real opposing sides,
accordingly, winners of two
real opposite natures. Equations (1)-(2) reflect the fact
that system K is opposite in parameters,
respectively, on the content of system K'.
For the untrue assertion that the Lorentz transformations
represent mixing of
spatial and temporal dimensions
to the question, it appears that the starting equations (1)
represent sui generis mixing space and time reports. Physics uncritically
adopts this unrepresentative combination for a definitive fact [1, part II, p.
480, 481, 484, 494], producing on this base series of theoretical and terminological
noveltys. In reality, things are far more ordinary.
The appearance
of the section in brackets suggests that
in the case mathematical operation is not bringed to
the end. And intermediate results, we know, are
unfit for making conclusions. That is why we orientate to further
rationalization of the obtained dependencies.
The discernment in the essence
of this operation is a matter of a few simple logical-mathematical reasonings.
The values v.t and v.x/c2
are manifestly corrections
to the x coordinate and time t, caused by displacement of the centers of the systems and the
top speed of light. In this sense, the
correction can be performed only
with quantities of same nature
(with identical
dimensions). Any other assumptions will be frivolous (meters can not be
corrected with seconds and
seconds can not be corrected with
meters). Indeed the addition v.t=∆x has dimension
of the x coordinate and addition v.x/c2=(v/с)(x/c)=∆t
has dimension of the time t (the measured meters are corrected with
meters and the measured seconds – with seconds). This means that the notorious
space-time is a fiction of relativism – neither
more nor less!
the undeniable fact is that in expressions (1) the x coordinate and time t
undergo a specific revision. As a result, they acquire values (x-v.t)=(x-∆x)=xcor
– corrected coordinate x and (t-v.x/c2)=(t-∆t)=tcor – corrected time t . It is now apparent that the x' coordinate and time t' are not
reciprocal quantitys of x and t, but they
are reciprocal values of xcor
(corrected coordinate x) and tcor (corrected time t). Therefore, even here we can represent the transformations in their
lawful form:
x'=xcor/b ; t'=tcor/b – viewpoint K' (1а)
Then, without any doubt, the
reverse expressions will be these:
xcor=x'.b ; tcor=t'.b – viewpoint K
3. Presentation of the
Lorentz transformations only with
But for the unreservedly resolve
of the case we will make one more particularization.
From the attained findings, we
understand that the x'
coordinate and time t' are structurally incompatible with the x coordinate and time t,
which difference prevents their immediate comparison. Just this circumstance
needs concretization. Analysis of treatment indicates
that, because of displaced systems on their relative movement, reports in
system K' remain mono-dimensional (x'=x'mon , t'=t'mon), while reports in
system K are formed as summary
(x=xsum , t=tsum). The accuracy
requires Lorentz transformations to reflect this detail as follows:
x'mon=(xsum-v.tsum)/b ; t'mon=(tsum-v.xsum/c2)/b – viewpoint K' (1b)
must now address the issue about members in brackets. In fact, the procedure
for this correction is quite trivial. The summary coordinate xsum
consists of mono-dimensional coordinate xmon (corresponding to x'mon) and the additional
distance v.tsum , i.e. xsum=xmon+v.tsum
, and summary time tsum consists
of mono-dimensional time tmon (corresponding to t'mon) and extra time v.xsum/c2,
i.e. tsum=tmon+v.xsum/c2.
Then for the expressions in brackets we obtain: (xsum-v.tsum)=xmon+v.tsum-v.tsum , respectively (xsum-v.tsum)=xmon , i.e. xcor=xmon and (tsum-v.xsum/c2)=tmon+v.xsum/c2-v.xsum/c2 , respectively (tsum-v.xsum/c2)=tmon , i.e. tcor=tmon .
the relationship between the two systems yields: x'mon=xmon/b ; t'mon=tmon/b . Next, things are
clear because, following the rules of regular mathematics (and we know no other), simply we cannot be
wrong, namely:
x'mon=xmon/b ; t'mon=tmon/b – this connection seems so from system К' (1c)
xmon=x'mon.b ; tmon=t'mon.b – this connection seems so from system К (2c)
xmon/x'mon=b ; tmon/t'mon=b – this connection seems so as a ratio (3)
x'mon/xmon=1/b ; t'mon/tmon=1/b – this connection seems so as a reverse ratio (4)
4. Definitive form of the
Lorentz transformations – coefficient of similarity
(1c), (2c), (3), (4) exhaust the correlations between the two systems. That is
to say, the ultimate form of Lorentz transformations
x'mon=xmon/b ; t'mon=tmon/b or in summary form x'=x/b ; t'=t/b – viewpoint K' (1c)
xmon=x'mon.b ; tmon=t'mon.b or in summary form x=x'.b ;
t=t'.b –
viewpoint K (2c)
received combination straight/reverse transition brings out the nature of the
transformation between the two systems, unlike the expressions (1)-(2), where
this truth is in disguise.
(1c)-(2c) undoubtedly demonstrate that
the systems are in relation of
similarity (principle of
similarity), namely:
(parameters K')=k(parameters
K) where k is a coefficient of similarity (5)
other words, the form of laws remains the same in both systems. But now the Principle of relativity turns out without a absolute
status. It remains in force only in conditions of the so-called isolated
laboratory (lack of an opposite side).
Only then, in no way can be established whether k is b, or 1/b . But, if we violate these conditions, the value
of k immediately shows up, and hence it becomes clear which of the
systems is moving. [2]
example, in one of the systems, say in K , let us measure a control segment
l0 from the X
axis, then we transfer with the scale in K' and from there we re-measure
this segment. Then we should receive either the result l'=l0/b , meaning,
referring to (1c), that system K' is moving, or the result l'=l0.b , meaning, referring to (2c),
that system K is moving (as a proof – the experiment of Michelson-Morley).
that case, we can offer the following improvisation. Systems K and K'
are found in a state of relative quiescence. Their beginnings and axes coincide
completely. Now in any imaginable manner we alter the
physical characteristics of K' to a position to become relevant to its
movement with speed v relative to K . The purpose of this
imaginable procedure is to avoid displaced origins of the systems. So clearly,
both parameters K , and parameters K' will be mono-dimensional
and directly comparable. Furthermore, we know that the very system K'
"is moving" and, because of “this movement”, only parameters K'
"undergo changes” – simultaneously, in one direction and in
equally degree,
because of the condition for the same form of laws. That is, if we make the
relevant measurements before and after the imaginable operation we will
directly receive the final form (1c)-(2c) of the transformations. The systems stand
in a ratio of similarity.
5. The experiment of Michelson-Morley as a
negation of the Principle of
The authenticity
of equations (1c)-(2c) can be proved in many ways as from physics itself, and
beyond. For example, the same result is received by correct solving of
notorious experiment of Michelson-Morley, but held in
two opposite situations:
When we
execute the experiment imaginary in the motionless Ether (system K), while
observing from the moving Earth (system K'), we derive dependences (1) [x'=(x-v.t)/b ;
t'=(t-v.x/c2)/b] for point of view K', mirror image.
When we
execute the experiment on the moving Earth (system K'), while mentally observing from
the motionless Ether (system K), we
derive dependences (2) [(x-v.t)=x'.b ; (t-v.x/c2)=t'.b] for the real point of
view K .
In a word, for moving point of view K' motionless meter K
and second K are lengthened (the motionless time K run slower). For motionless point of
view K moving
meter K' and second K' are shortened (the moving time K' run faster). [4]
An astonishment is that the experiment
of Michelson-Morley to this day is not resolved. The same shows as faithful
exactly the transformations (1c)-(2c), and not those of the Special Theory. [5] And since not correspond to reality, the transformation of the Special theory does not retain the form of laws. [6]
mentioned, the mathematical rules are direct incarnation of the comprehensive Principle
of opposites. They derive from it and so have no alternative. Without contrary
two sides in general mathematical
operation cannot be organized, respectively, it is not possible to draw up an
equation. Take for example the definition: "inertial systems K and K'
are moving against each other at a speed v".
This text undoubtedly expresses the absolute relativity of the movement since K
and K' are fully equal in rights (weather speed is v
or -v it is irrelevant). But from the data it obviously cannot be drawn
problem from it. Once, however attach the speed v to any of the systems,
they automatically become opposite (given). Then the mathematical apparatus
immediately triggers, forming juxtaposing equations (the said transformations),
which fix the gained real status – in this case system K' represents the
movement, and system K represents the peace.
Now a few words about the mistaken logic of relativism. [7] In brief, according
to Galilei in the inertial systems operate the Principle of relativity, which
is absolute, as is based on absolute identities: x'mon=xmon (since x'mon=xsum-v.tsum and x'mon=xmon+v.tsum-v.tsum=xmon);
t'mon=tmon (since
the time is absolutely), in summary form x'=x ; t'=t (at that time only they are immediately accessible).
Einstein, however, based on the
peak precision, came to the opposite result (the Lorentz transformations):
; t'mon=tmon/b , in summary form x'=x/b
; t'=t/b , i.e. x' is different from
x ; t' is different from t which demonstrates the
untenability of the upper identities. According to the transformations, in the inertial systems operate the
Principle of opposites, which is based on these categorical
differences. Thus, they refutes the maxim for an absolute
relativity of the motion. Such is the normal logic – the opposed results predetermine and an opposed conclusions.
Obviously, we have to assume that Galilei simply makes an unforeseeable circumstantial error (arising from the then low level of
knowledge and technological opportunities) and so involuntary leads astray the whole science. Any other position would carry the stigma of
ridiculous alogism. [7, p. 345-349]
Giancoli D. – Physics, part І and part ІI, Moscow 1989
Nikolov A. – Preservation the form of laws –
Principle of similarity
[3] Nikolov A. – Removing the make-up (25), (26), (27), (28)
of the Special theory
[4] Nikolov A. – Removing the make-up (16) of the Special
theory: Regarding the erroneous conclusion
time of the Special theory
http://alniko-knowledge.blogspot.com/2013/08/removing-make-up-16-of-special-theory.html ,
[5] Nikolov A. – Working out of the Lorentz transformations from the Michelson-Morley experiment
[7] Nikolov A. –
Antirelative evidence of the normal logic
[8] Николов А. – Към смяна на идеите
във философията и физиката, София, 1999
(Nikolov A. – To change of ideas in
philosophy and physics, Sofia
1999)__________________________________________________ Александър Николов © 2010-2014 Всички права запазени (COPYRIGHT © 2010-2014)
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