Abstract: The mass-(m) and energy-(E) are a pair of opposite quantities – material-immaterial (ideal). Therefore, they mutually determined: E=m.c2 – law of qualitative definiteness (particles with energy, no mass...complete absurdity). For a wave process: E=m.(λ.f)2. The factor-c2=(λ.f)2 is mass-energy mediator (c-speed of light). The formula-(E=h.f) admits of inaccuracy. The correct relationship is: P=h.f [watt] and h-[w.s]. The Planck constant represents: h=E0=m0.c2 – a boundary discrete portion of energy (from one wave period), and (m0) is a corresponding boundary discrete portion of mass (of the field matter). The quantitative ratios are in force: E=n.E0; m=n.m0, where (n) is a number-coefficient of proportionality – law of quantitative definiteness. Natural constants-scales for energy-(E0=hE) and mass-(m0=hm) are available. What has been said literally also applies to the pair of antipodes length-(L) and time-(t). Hence the dependencies: L=t.c (qualitative definiteness); L=n.L0; t=n.t0 (quantitative definiteness), where (L0=hL) and (t0=ht) are natural constants-scales for length (indivisible distance-(R0=L0) that is traveled at once) and for time (time interval, indivisible into subintervals). For a stationary system-K and a system-K', moving along the (X)-axis, the Lorentz transformations are: x'=n.x; t'=n.t (normal comparison; n==(1-v/с)1/2/(1+v/с)1/2). The following characteristics of matter become clear: Linear density-(ρ0=m0/R0), united force-F0=(с2/ρ0).ρ02. The expression-(G=с2/ρ0) is the gravitational constant-[m3/kg.s2].
principle of opposites, law of qualitative definiteness, law of quantitative definiteness, principle of similarity, natural constants-scales
1. Introduction
the natural diversity that we explore, in fact, is reduced to two
characteristic realities - material (physical bodies, space, etc.) and
immaterial (ideal categories such as emptiness, time, etc.). We need to make
sense of this fact. The indicated opposition is fundamental and gives reasons
to speak of two primary sources of phenomena - material and ideal. Our
experience shows that, as a consequence of their coexistence, a third, force
reality also appears.
2. Higher natural legislation
2.1 The three physical faces
of nature
We know that the fragmentation of matter leads to the obtaining of
ever-simpler structures - molecules, atoms, elementary particles. In the disclosing
micro-world, the phenomenon of "plus-minus" polarity and the power
between these opposing qualities begins to stand out clearly. Reasoning in this
direction leads to the conclusion of the existence of an starting substance
composed of two opposite entities, each of which reproduces itself in the
progression of development, namely:
– Material beginning: Physics reflects it with the quantities "mass,
length, etc." It produces the spatial material nature – from the particles
and their macro formations, to the living body and the male sex.
Ideal beginning: Physics reflects it with the quantities "energy, time, etc." It produces the non-spatial
ideal nature – from the vacuum around the particles, to consciousness and the
female sex.
The co-existence of the material beginning and the ideal beginning gives
rise, of a kind, to a third beginning:
Force beginning: Physics reflects it with the quantity “force”. It produces the immaterial
force nature – from the typesetting of forces and interactions known to science
to the male sex-female sex activity.
material beginning, the ideal beginning and the force beginning are,
metaphorically speaking, the Holy Trinity, dictating the arrangement and
development of the Universe.
Principle of opposite
develops from the simple to the complex (material going section), and Cognition follows the reverse path from
the complex to the simple (ideal returning section). It is a natural law – a
convenient and generally accessible cognitive highway, along which research is
purposeful, and progress and intellectual overtakings
follow clear, objective criteria and evaluations (with the caveat that the
complex is easily deciphered by the sensory system, and the simple is very
difficult to detection). This factology is apparently unknown to physics,
because we see it entangled in various unimaginable notions and abstractions.
insight into the essence of nature leads to the conclusion that the Universe is
subordinate to one supreme principle – the
Principle of opposite. The same one outlines
its organizational forms and transformations, as well as the eternal circle:
From force rest, revolutionary (explosive) transition to maximum movement and
slow evolution back to force rest (this development is familiar to us from
dialectics). In evolution, the centrifugal internal motion in the Metagalaxy
(Hypersphere), interpreted as expansion, is reversed into centripetal
The principle of opposite also appears as:
– Principle of dualism (of duality): Because the opposites are situated in
the form of material-ideal pairs (other possibility no exists).
Principle of definiteness: Because opposites are
determined by each other (other possibility no exists).
Principle of definiteness
2.3.1 Law of qualitative definiteness
to the question: Can the immaterial quantity (immaterial quality) energy-(E) be
defined in any other way than by its opposite – the material quantity (material
quality) mass-(m)? The answer is categorical: It cannot! This subordination is
a natural law – a law of qualitative definiteness. Energy and mass, as a pair
of opposite quantities, are mutually determined:
E=m.с2 ; m=E/с2 ; E/m=с2 (1)
Other options are impossible (the idea of particles with energy but no mass is complete absurdity). For a wave process:
factor c2=(λ.f)2 is a (m)-(E) mediator (equalizer); (c) – speed of light; λ and f – length and frequency
of the wave.
the context of the said, how should we evaluate the dependence proposed by physics?:
(3) differs from the legal template (1) and (2). There is no room for hesitation here. This formula allows for
inaccuracy. The correct connection is:
P=h.f [watt] or dE/dt=h/dt (4)
Planck constant represents a boundary discrete portion of energy (of one wave
h=Е0=m0.с2 (5)
opposite (m0) also appears – a boundary discrete portion of mass (of
the field matter).
presented cogitations verbatim also apply to the length (L)-time (t) pair.
To the
question of whether the material quantity length (L) can be determined in any other
way than through its opposite – the immaterial quantity time (t), the answer is
again: It cannot! The law of qualitative definiteness is universal, inviolable. Length and time, as a pair of opposite
quantities, are mutually determined:
L=t.с ; t=L/с ; L/t=с (6)
options are impossible. The factor (c) is a (L)-(t) mediator.
Law of quantitative definiteness
legal provisions from point (4.1) lead to the quantitative ratios:
E=n.Е0 ; m=n.m0
and time are subject to the same dependence:
L=n.L0 ;
t=n.t0 (8)
(n) is a number-coefficient of proportionality. In most general plan, two
different quantities of the same nature (Q1) and (Q2) step into the role of against-standing sides.
if we ask ourselves now whether a quantity (Q1) can be determined in any other
way than through the opposite quantity (Q2), the answer is unequivocal: It
cannot! This subordination is a natural law – a law of quantitative definiteness.
The quantities (Q1) and (Q2) are mutually determined:
Q1=n.Q2 ; Q2=Q1/n ; Q1/Q2=n (9)
options do not exist.
the categorical nature of expression (9) a problem arises for today's
knowledge. At
a stationary system K(x,t) and a system K'(x',t') moving inertially with speed
(v) to the right along the (X)-axis, physics, we know, offers the Lorentzian
transformations in the form:
x'=(x-v.t)/b ; t'=(t-v.x/с2)/b, where b=(1-v2/с2)1/2 (10)
these formulas differ from the legal template shown (9). How should we evaluate
this discrepancy? And now there is no room for hesitations. Formulas (10) admit
inaccuracy (they are not completely solved). The correct Lorentz
transformations are:
x'=n.x ; t'=n.t where n==(1-v/с)1/2/(1+v/с)1/2 (11)
is the normal parallel between the various lengths and times.
3. Natural constants-scales
determine arbitrary amounts of energy, mass, length and time, Consciousness has
created the necessary macroscales-constants, respectively: joule, kilogram,
meter, second. We will give an example with the founded constant-macroscale for
length "meter": The length-(L) represents a certain number of meters, where the
meter is a constant-scale for spatial measurement. Accordingly:
meter) (12)
possibility of using a macroscale-constant meter is due to the existence of a
finite, indivisible natural spatial unit – an initial constant for length (hL=L0).
The constant-(hL=L0) is a distance (R0) that
can no longer to travel in parts, but only
the whole, at once. Just this reality makes movement
possible (this is precisely why Achilles catches up with the tortoise and this
is precisely the solution to Zenon's famous aporia – 5th century BC). Otherwise, the divisibility of the
space tends to a limit value of zero, which cannot be integrated, i.e. from which no macro equivalent can be
obtained. Macroscale-constant meter is a size multiple of (L0):
premises (12) and (13) we arrive at the syllogistic
(L)=(number).(L0=hL) (14)
from points (4.1, 4.2) we conclude that the development of matter starts from
certain natural constants-scales – (hЕ=E0), (hm=m0), (hL=L0), (ht=t0) for the
main quantities. This circumstance is of particular importance, since the
consequences of the determined beginning cannot be anything other than certain
objects, phenomena, processes. Thanks to this all-encompassing determinateness,
nature is knowable and a cognitive process takes place in which Consciousness
creates the more convenient macroscale-constants. With them are handled in the
same way as natural constants, since they are multiples (the zone from natural
constants to zero itself is inaccessible to knowledge due to indefiniteness).
addition, we will note that, quantitatively, mass (hm=m0)
and energy (hЕ=E0) are true, absolute constants of matter
(its main characteristics). While the length (hL=L0) and time (ht=t0)
scales undergo changes, but over hundreds of millions of years, ie. are, of a kind, pseudo-constants.
4. Primary cell of matter (nuclear model)
we mentioned, in its essence, dualism comes down to a single regularity – "material manifestation-immaterial (ideal) manifestation". This natural phenomenon
comes from the depths of matter – from some starting material-ideal structure that brings its duality into
the whole variety of the next derivative production. The material gives rise to
the material characteristics, the ideal – the ideals. And so until the
appearance of the pairs "material body-ideal consciousness" and
"material male sex-ideal female sex". In other words, the development
of matter takes place on the Principle of similarity. The same allows the mind to penetrate to the very beginning of
the process, guided by the structure and regularities of visible nature. In
this attitude, we can offer the following considerations:
natural constant-scale for mass (hm=m0)
cannot represent anything other than the mass of an indivisible particle. The
possibility of
the (m0)-particles
oscillate, what is reality, suggests that there is the
opposite quality around them – ideal emptiness. The immaterial, the empty, the
"nothing" cannot be spatial. It would have to be stretched by the
very presence of the material particle as a nucleus. Respectively, the ideal manifestation
should be in a tense state – a source of force applied to the material
(consciousness moves the body, ideas move the masses). In this sense, the
material essence, the ideal essence, and the force between them (from which the
different kinds of forces arise) are the source and the engine of development.
There is no spirituality, no reason here. Everything is pure physics. Because
of the ideal relationship between the nuclei, the available energy is eternal –
uncreated and indestructible.
is how the idea of a dualistic, force-stressed primordial cell – a material
core-empty surroundings – arises. All mass is concentrated in the nucleus – the
natural mass-scale constant (hm=m0). And the pair of
opposites appears to be charged with energy – the natural constant-scale for
energy (hE=E0 – Planck's constant). [6] On the
other hand, the linear dimension of this cell represents a finite spatial unit
– the natural length-scale constant (hL=L0). This
is the distance (R0) between the centers of two adjacent cores,
which can no longer be traversed in parts (R0=hL=L0
primary cell thus situated is the "brick" of the Universe - a
structural prototype of all subsequent formations, creating all of nature
exactly in its own image and likeness ("one is all, all is one" –
Parmenides – VI-V century BC.). [7]
the Principle of similarity is in action. Its product is the nuclear model –
massive core-empty surroundings (or loose). We see it in the atoms (the
electron layers are surrounding), the solar-type systems (the planetary space
is surrounding), the galaxies (the stellar shell is surrounding), the spherical
Metagalaxy itself (the galaxies are surrounding). The same arrangement is
followed by the cells of living matter, the family cell of Society (the female
nature is an enclosing surrounding), the cell of governance (the Parliament is
an enclosing surrounding), and so on.
cogitations are of principle without aiming at accuracy and comprehensiveness.
They simply outline the legal direction that we must be aware of and abide by
(and not rely on subjective notions and opinions).
5. Linear density of matter
the basis of natural constants, we introduce the important quantity
"linear density of matter" (ρ0=m0/R0).
This is the linear density of the primary cells, respectively, of the lines of
force composed of them. The change of this quantity
reflects the circular states of the substance. Its maximum
fixes the moment of critically stressed rest, after which an explosive
transition into centrifugal movement occurs. In a word,
the energy of the primary cell goes from entirely potential (E0=Ep=F0.R0)
to entirely kinetic (E0=Ek=m0.c2),
with no possibility of intermediate values. Hence the
following energetic dependence:
- m0.с2 = 0 or
= m0.с2 (15)
6. Unity of forces
(F0) is the only possible and available force in nature – the
mentioned third, force beginning. Its formulation follows
directly from (15):
F0=c2.ρ0 or F0=(с2/ρ0).ρ02 – prototype of the law of gravity (16)
expression in brackets should be the gravitational constant:
G = с2/ρ0 [m3/kg.s2]
7. Conclusion
Principle of opposite, the Principle of quantitative-qualitative determination
and the Principle of similarity are the basis of the normal cognitive activity
of Consciousness. However, modern physics develops views
and interpretations far outside this normality.
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