Abstract: In the article, we give
definitions of the mass (m) and energy (E) and show the exact transformations of mass (m), a length (L) and
time (t). We analyze the differences with today's physics. So, the mass
means a quantity of matter, and the energy – a quantity of ability to act on
this matter. The mass and energy are neither lost nor created. They are only
converted from a potential state (mp, Ep) into kinetic (mk,
Ek) and vice versa. Hence the three laws of conservation: m=mp+mk
– const., Е=Еp+Еk –
const., Е/m=Еp/mp=Еk/mk=k
– const. Transformations between
systems K (at rest) and K' (in motion) are obtained in the form: m'/m=L'/L=t'/t=(number N<1), where
N=(1-v/c)1/2/(1+v/c)1/2 , i.e. with a change of speed,
the mass, the length and the time change simultaneously, in one direction and
to the same extent (with increasing speed
they diminish). It is precisely in this way that the laws
retain their form in all systems (the summation of the constituent magnitudes
is always zero).
вторник, 13 ноември 2018 г.
вторник, 18 септември 2018 г.
Today's physics claims as an undisputed fact that the Lorenz's transformations x'=(x–v.t)/b ; t'=(t–v.x/c2)/b (point
of view K', where b=(1-v2/c2)1/2) they
speak of inseparable interweaving of spatial coordinates and time. Here I show the
insolvency of this thesis. For this purpose, I make a simple
comparison between the quantities of "length" and
"time" on the one hand and their dimensions
"meter" and "second" on the other, with the result: length=(number).(meter)
; time=(number).(second). Therefore, in order to interlace the length and time, it
is necessary to interlace the meter and the second or the numbers in front of
them (there is no another for interlacement). And since the numbers cannot interlace, I show that between
the meter (m', m) and second (s', s) also had no interlacing: m'=(m–m.s/s)/b or m'=(m–m)/b ; s'=[s–(m.m/s)/(m2/s2)]/b or s'=(s–s)/b (Principle of opposite=Principle
of determination).
петък, 3 август 2018 г.
Abstract: The World is built on the Principle of opposite. However, the physics does not work in this
direction. Here we will show the starting "plus-minus" material
structure and its definitions, as follows: boundary
mass m0 – const (the atom of Democritus) ; boundary energy E0=h – const (the
Plank’s constant) ; linear size of the
bipolar microcell Rr – const. ; linear density ρr=m0/Rr
– const ; interaction force between the material
"plus" beginning and the ideal "minus" beginning Fr=c2.ρr
– const. ; gravitational constant G=c2/ρr
(already with clear physical sense). These parameters
m0=h/с2, ρr=с2/G,
Rr=h.G/с4, Fr=c4/G) form the quantum unit of the matter, respectively, of
the Universe. Along with solving of this task, we also track the unified
origin of the forces F=a.m и F=G.(m1.m2)/R2. In general all forces in Nature have their explanation
as derivatives of the primary force Fr=c2.ρr . In the end, we give
to understand where it comes from the ability of matter to moves and develops itself.
Резюме: Светът е устроен на Принципа на противоположност.
Физиката обаче не работи в тази посока. Тук ще покажем изходната „плюс-минус“
структура на материята, с нейните определения, както следва: гранична маса m0
– const
(атомът на Демокрит) ; гранична енергия Е0=h – const (Планковата константа) ; линеен
размер на биполярната микроклетка
Rr – const ;
линейна плътност ρr=m0/Rr – const ; сила Fr
на взаимодействие между материалното „плюс“ начало и
идеалното „минус“ начало Fr=c2.ρr – const. ; гравитационна константа G=с2/ρr (вече
с ясен физически смисъл). Тези параметри (Е0=h, m0=h/с2, ρr=с2/G,
Rr=h.G/с4, Fr=c4/G) формират квантовата единица на
материята, респективно, на Вселената. Наред с решаването на тази задача, проследяваме
и единния произход на силите F=a.m
и F=G.(m1.m2)/R2.
Изобщо всички сили в Природата имат своето обяснение като производни на първичната
сила Fr=c2.ρr . В крайна сметка,
даваме да се разбере откъде идва способността на материята да се самодвижи и
вторник, 22 май 2018 г.
In all cyclical
movements, including electromagnetic waves, it is about a process of
transformation of energy by many
time repetitions
the same cycle. Here we will show the three legal situations that determine
this transformation, namely: 1) Amount of the transformed energy E0
from one cycle. The energy E0
from one cycle will be a constant value as it is
a result of unchangeable initial conditions. At a
level E0=h – the Planck’s constant...depends on the constant structure of the field matter. 2) Total amount of the transformed energy E
from n performed cycle. The total energy E is equal to the constant energy from one cycle E0=h,
multiplied by the number n of the
cycles performed – E=h.n. 3) Speed
of transformation of the energy dE/dt or power of the process according to the dependence: N=dE/dt=h.(dn/dt) or N=h.f, where f=dn/dt is the process frequency (number
of oscillations per unit time). The compilation E=h.f, proposed by M. Plank, is a misunderstandin. This is evidenced
by its juxtaposition with the dependence E=h.n
for random radiation – for example with a frequency f=600.1012Hz, where n=600.1012
is the number of oscillations: According to today's formula E=h.f, for 1 sec. the emitted energy is
E1=h.f, for 2 sec. – E2=E1=h.f, for 3
sec. – E3=E1=h.f, etc. This result is obviously implausible. The correct conclusion follows from formula E=h.n, namely: Е1=h.х;n
Е2=2Е1=h.2n ; Е3=3Е1=h.3n etc.
time, the number n of the
oscillations is doubled, tripled, etc.).
При всички циклични движения, в това число и при електромагнитните
вълни, става въпрос за процес на преобразуване на енергия чрез многократно
повтаряне на един и същ цикъл. Тук ще покажем трите законови положения, които
определят това преобразуване, а именно: 1) Количество на преобразуваната
енергия Е0 от един цикъл.
На квантово ниво Е0=h
– Планковата константа...зависи от непроменливата структура на полевата
материя. 2) Общо количество на преобразуваната енергия Е от n
извършени цикъла. Сумарната енергия Е
е рявна на постоянната енергия от един цикъл E0=h, умножена по броя n
на извършените цикли – Е=h.n.
3) Скорост на преобразуване на енергията dE/dt
или мощност на процеса, съгласно зависимостта: N=dE/dt=h.(dn/dt), т.е. N=h.f, където f=dn/dt
е честотата (брой колебания за секунда). Компилацията E=h.f,
предложена от М. Планк, е недоразумение. Това личи от нейното съпоставяне
със зависимостта Е=h.n
произволно излъчване – например с честота f=600.1012Hz,
където n=600.1012
е броят на колебанията: Според днешната формула Е=h.f , за 1 сек. излъчeната енергия е Е1=h.f , за 2 сек. – Е2=Е1=h.f,
за 3 сек. – Е3=Е1=h.f
т.н..Този резултат очевидно е неправдоподобен. Вярното заключение следва от
формула Е=h.n, а именно: Е1=h.n
; Е2=2Е1=h.2n
; Е3=3Е1=h.3n
т.н. (с времето броят
на колебанията
удвоява, утроява и т.н.).
неделя, 25 февруари 2018 г.
The peace at quantum level is absolute – force
field (system К0). Here are possible only wobble (wave) movements. Moreover, the passage of energy
into kinetic form has two aspects:
Quantity E of the transformed energy. 2) Speed dE/dt of transformation of the energy or power N=dE/dt. In point 1 is in force: E=h.n, where h=E0 is the
constant energy of one oscillation (the Planck\s constant), and n – number of the
oscillations done. In point 2 is in force: dE/dt=h.(dn/dt) or N=h.f,
where f=dn/dt is the frequency – the number of oscillations per
unit of time. The compilation E=h.f, proposed by M. Plank, obviously is
a misunderstanding. For information, the electric meter works by the formula: dE/dt=h*.(dn/dt) or (dE/dt).dt=h*.dn, respectively Е=N.t=h*.n [vat.sec] (h* – an energy from one rotation of
the disc…depends on its sizes and material).
четвъртък, 25 януари 2018 г.
It seems today's physics does not know what is space. The truth of space begins here: Only matter forms space, is spatial! There is no matter without space – there is
no space without matter! In confirmation of this maxim are the parameters of
the primary
cell of matter: Mass m0=h/c2 – boundary discrete portion of matter, with linear size l0, the Planck’s constant h=E0 – boundary discrete portion of energy, l0* - distance between the masses m0, total linear size r0*=l0+l0* (between the
centers of two masses m0) and a linear
density p0*=m0/r0*, where m0, h and c are basic constants, and r0* and p0* - regional. The bipolar structure
of the microcell generates a force F0*=G.ρ0*.ρ0*, where G=c2/ρ0* is the
gravitational constant (which is also regional). Hence ρ0*=c2/G, r0*=m0/p0*. This is the quantum unit of the
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