
четвъртък, 24 август 2023 г.



The study and in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of "dualism" leads to the conclusion that it is a Principle of Opposites upon which the entire universe is structured. From the available scientific data, we can estimate that the reason for this universal duality is rooted in the structure of the primary matter. In particular, in the presence of a specific initial (maternal) pair of contrary sides, consisting of a material component, in the form of a finitely discrete particle, with a certain mass m0 (the particle of field matter – the indivisible atom of Democritus) and an immaterial, ideal component, with the opposite status of indeterminate emptiness. From here comes the material-ideal dualism of all subsequent formations (Principle of Similarity). This dualism regulates quantitative-qualitative determination at each level of natural organization (Principle of determination). Opposites are defined of one through the other. A clear example is physics (energy E is defined by its opposite, mass m: E=m.c2). Another way of determination does not exist. Ultimately, Objective Reality is knowable because it is completely determined (Principle of Knowability). The article discusses the limits of definiteness and knowability, with a corresponding basic physicalization. The presented Democritus atomism is without alternatives.

Keywords: Principle of Opposites, Principle of Definiteness, Principle of Similarity, Democritus atom, unity of forces


It is an indisputable truth that the Objective Reality surrounding us succmbs to cognitive invasion by the human Consciousness. Operative mediators and tools of this activity are the sensory and central nervous systems. This means that since the very emergence of Consciousness, an unstoppable process of Cognition has been going on. In this situation, the assessment that "Matter develops from the simple to the complex" is very important, and the course of Cognition is in the opposite direction – "Cognition moves from the complex to the simple" (circular material-ideal process, in whose cognitive sector the simple is very difficult to reach). The other (current) understanding is wrong. Accordingly, the complicated theorizations of modern physics are obviously subject to a strong critical attitude.

The accumulated scientific data speak for just the indicated order. Now, however, since the Cognitive Process is undoubtedly present, we ask why and how the same possible is for realization. The answer is hidden deep in the essence of material structures. The existence of cognitive activity is due to some of their regular layout, which gives them the property of "cognizability", respectively, which makes our surrounding reality knowable. This is the starting point of our further searches.


2.1 Quantitative (spatial) definiteness

In order to know an object, the Consciousness must be able to grasp it in its entirety. According to this condition, the object should represent some closed volume of matter, i.e. limited in the three dimensions space. If any of the directions forward-backward, up-down, left-right remains open, the object becomes inaccessible for identification, at all it loses sense as such. Thus, we coordinate the understanding that the object represents a certain amount of matter forming a closed space (space, in itself, does not exist... matter is spatial). Videlicet, we arrive at the notion of quantitative definiteness as a condition of knowability: In order to be knowable, the object must be quantitatively determined. It is also important to emphasize that quantitative definiteness is spatial definiteness (definiteness in space).

2.2 Qualitative (temporal) definiteness

On the other hand, in order to always fix the object in question unerringly, the Consciousness needs of possibility to distinguish it from the other innumerable objects. This means that the object should represent a material-spatial individuality. It must possess characteristics that are absent at the other objects, respectively, be in a relationship of opposition with them. Thus we come to the understanding that the Consciousness is able to make a qualitative assessment of the object only "in comparison with" or "in contrast to" its opposite. That is, before us is a closed process of comparison (going from one to the other and returning back), taking place during time t . This procedure forms the notion of qualitative definiteness as a condition of knowability: In order to be knowable, the object must be qualitatively determined (by means of its opposite). And here it is important to emphasize that qualitative definiteness is temporal definiteness (definiteness in time).

2.3 Principle of quantitative-qualitative determination

And since, as we have said, Objective Reality gives in to acquaintance by human Consciousness, therefore, the same is quantitatively and qualitatively determined. It is an all-encompassing natural Principle of Determination. As we have shown, its dualistic character (quantitative definiteness-qualitative definiteness) is based on the space-time dualism. In a word, Objective Reality is knowable because it is quantitatively and qualitatively determined. These are both necessary and sufficient conditions. Other conditions for cognoscibility do not exist.

Now let's turn the conclusion in its right form: The Objective Reality is built on the Principle of Opposites, which is a Principle of quantitative-qualitative Determination [1], and hence also a Principle of Cognoscibility. This foundational situation leads to dozens of consequences about which physics has no idea at all.

Here, quite informatively, we will insert a clarification related to the opposites, the misunderstanding of which leads to a confusion of principle (the error of Heraclitus - 535 BC, remains misunderstood to this day). A distinction must be made between the pairs of opposites and the pairs of opposite states (the "opposite-opposite state" dualism). Opposites cannot change their nature, respectively, they cannot pass into each other (mass cannot be converted into energy and vice versa, space cannot be converted into time and vice versa, etc.). While the opposite states necessarily undergo transitions into each other (mass and energy simultaneously change from a potential state to a kinetic state and vice versa). That is, the examples of transitions given in the literature (illness into health, night into day, rest into motion, etc.) do not refer to conversion of opposites, as claimed, but to transitions of one state into its opposite and vice versa. Accordingly, both opposites and opposite states are fully determined and, therefore, knowable.

2.4 Bifurcation of Physics

We know that physics textbooks usually have for starters a brief annotation about the origin of the science, its name and subject of study, after which introduce the reader to physical quantities such as meaning and significance. But these data represent only a statement of circumstances, facts and findings, without looking for binding with any objective dependencies. It is not evident that there are any effects of laws in them, i.e. the moments of causal predestination are missing. In this sense, here we see a need for some deepening of the reasoning.

In this direction, we will mark a bifurcation with obvious evidentiary values, arising directly from the Principle of Definiteness. According to his conceptual framework, there are three possibilities for scientific reflection of Objective Reality:

Reflection resulting from its quantitative determination. On this basis, the science of Mathematics arose, dealing with the interrelationship of numbers (with the numbers as a toolkit).

Reflection resulting from its qualitative determination. On this basis, the science of Philosophy (natural philosophy) arose, operating with the apparatus of concepts (with the concepts as a toolkit).

Reflection-symbiosis of the previous two beginnings. On the basis of qualitative and quantitative determinism simultaneously, the science of Physics arose as a unified mathematical and philosophical formation, with physical quantities as a toolkit. It is called togive the picture of Nature in its entirety.

Therefore, Physics itself is withe innate dualism (mathematical-philosophical). From it, two equally scientific operational approaches to her upgrading lead their existence:

– Physical-mathematical, universally recognized and used by the physics community.

– Physical-philosophical (we demonstrate it at the moment), utterly denied and rejected by physicists (which misunderstanding pollutes knowledge with unimaginable abstractions and downright ridiculous algorisms).

While, it is already clear why, both methods are equally legitimate and each has its evidential presence in physics. But with one special feature. The work of the two methods is not uniform-parallel, but obeys to specific fluctuations (such as govern the Cognitive process as a whole). First, the physical-mathematical one gains strength, which investigates the characteristics of the single things and the regularities at them. When enough data is accumulated in this direction, the Cognition feels ready for generalizations and makes a leap in search of commonality in different objects. This is the time of strengthening the physical-philosophical thinking, which should utilize the available resource of a single knowledge. Then comes the moment of return to individuality, but with new horizons open, after which the cycle repeats itself.

2.5 Duality of physical quantities

The shown bilateral engagement of Physics implies a duality of physical quantities as well. They should be formed as fully defined binary operators consisting, in a way, of a mathematical component (number) and a philosophical component (concept-scale). We will give an example with the contents of the "length" and "time" quantities, to which our interest is more special.

– Length represents "a certain number of spatial scale units", respectively, "number of meters" or the dualism (number).(meter).

– Time represents "a certain number of time scale units", respectively "number of seconds" or the dualism (number).(second).

If modern Physics knew about these facts, it would certainly not raise the astonishing thesis-indefiniteness "Inseparably intertwined, unified space-time".[2] Because such an understanding contradicts the Principle of Definiteness. Accordingly, because neither the meter and the second are interlaced (this is shown by checking with the Lorentz transformations), nor are the numbers in front of them. And there is nothing else to intertwine. Such is the scientific ascertainment. The indefiniteness-distorted images of Relativistic and Quantum physics are subject to normalization.

2.6 Quantitative-qualitative interpretation of the number line

But let's go back to the physical quantity length L=(number).(meter). As soon as it is defined, it means that its components (number) and (meter) are also defined. Without going into further detail, for the number this characteristic comes from the impeccable definiteness of the number line. Because if somewhere in the sequence of numbers there was even just one unit different from the rest, mathematics becomes impossible, indeterminacy occurs. At the same time, we can interpret the unit as a tandem of an indivisible number combined with an opposite, divisible to infinity segment (discontinuity passes into continuity). There cannot be another type of unit, with a composition different from this one. Minus unit and plus unit are exactly the same, as are minus and plus the spatial coordinates. The sign does not mean an opposite in essence, but only marks the direction of the count. It is so, because there cannot be negative matter (mass), negative space (length), respectively, negative mathematics. The starting substance is a single one. The so-called "matter" and "antimatter" will are next derivatives. That is to say, the formation "number order" has a quantitatively and qualitatively determined structure, coming from the corresponding exactness of the unit as its primary building element.

2.7 Quantitative-qualitative interpretation of the "meter" scale

We know that at their very foundation philosophical views are permeated by the materialism-idealism bifurcation. It is a universal dividing line in essence, and Philosophy is within its regularities. At the same time, however, she appears their external observer in the service of Cognition. Investigating the 'meter' component, we see the things to remain veiled as this scale divides into smaller and smaller constituent parts, meaning that it is not a natural spatial scale unit, but an adequate macro-measure of it, chosen for convenience by Consciousness. In other words, the definiteness of the "meter" formation suggests that it can be shatters to some boundary structure, similarity the unit of the number line. In it the indivisible number will replaces by an indivisible material particle – the atom of Democritus (460 BC). [3] And the neighboring area, divisible to infinity, will be the opposite immaterial factor - emptiness. This material-ideal analogue of the numerical unit, in fact, should be its prototype. In his person we see the objective linear scale of space, respectively, the building block of the meter. Otherwise, the division (discontinuity) of the meter as a scale goes to infinity, signifying indeterminacy.

2.8 The Principle of Definiteness in the Theory of Ccognition

The grounds of determinism are part of the Theory of Ccognition. These are not a priori statements-postulates, but a coherent logic, established results, justifications from practice and the interdisciplinary palette of human knowledges. Here are some of them:

The definiteness of Nature is based on the initial dualism "material nature-immaterial, ideal nature". Material nature has the status of a finite, further indivisible particle. It cannot represent anything other than definiteness amenable to dimensioning. And the ideal nature covers the characteristics of the opposite quality – dimensionless, infinitely divisible emptiness. There is no possibility of another kind of starting dualism.

The material nature cannot be transformed into the ideal and vice versa - the ideal nature cannot be transformed into the material. In this connection, the material gives rise only to material derivatives, and the ideal - only ideals. And so all the way to the human two-sex, male-female (material-ideal) system and the organic bifurcation "material body-ideal consciousness."

– That is why the definiteness, as an available objective foundation, cannot be only quantitative, without qualitative, or only qualitative, without quantitative. The two categories exist in unity, like any other pair of opposites.

– The definiteness of the final product is a result of the definiteness of the previous formations composing it. This applies to every level of destruction and comes from the very elementary beginning.

The definiteness of the elementary beginning cannot be other than in the form of a set of basic constants - the natural objective scales (the same contain the element of intermediate uncertainty).

Therefore, right now we can pronounce that, according to the Principle of Determination, Democritus atomistics has no alternative. And Zeno's aporia (460 BC) about Achilles and the tortoise (absolutizing discontinuity) becomes meaningless, since there must be an extremely small distance that can no longer be divided into halves, but is traveled all at once. In other words, the fragmentation of matter reaches a primary continuous element with boundary parameters, as an irrevocable part of an initial dualistic module, building up everything that exists (a prototype of all reality).

And more laws from this philosophical field, which should not be forgotten:

– There cannot be a third opposite to two other opposites (opposites are only in pairs).

– From a pair of opposites, a single mutual determination, a single truth is obtained (one opposition - one determination).

2.9 Unity of philosophical, mathematical and physical legality

According to the Principle of Definiteness, Objective Reality is a single one, from where and the truth about it is a single one (the thesis of many truths is philosophical inadequacy). Therefore, the laws of the three sciences investigating and reflecting Nature - philosophy, mathematics and physics – should not contradict each other, be in different directions. In this respect, philosophical and mathematical legality almost completely coincide. While in physics, one finds all kinds of free interpretations especially since the beginning of the 20th century.

Philosophical laws, as the most general, delineate the frameworks that cannot be crossed, along with the methodological features and ways of conducting reasoning activity. So far, we have given not one or two examples of viewing private physical knowledge from the side of a number of general propositions developed by natural philosophy. Now we will show even more clearly, through the connection of the main pairs of physical quantities "mass-energy" and "space-time", what the philosophical law of mutual determination of opposites looks like:

1. Qualitative determination: Opposing qualities individuate material-ideal pairs in which they are defined one by the other. This method of determination is the only one possible.

– The ideal quantity "energy (E)" is expressed (defined) by its opposite – the material quantity "mass (m)" in the natural law: E=m.c2, according, m=E2 , where the factor (k=c2) is a coefficient of proportionality (c – the speed of light). Other variants of this mutual determination are excluded from the law: One pair of opposites – one determination.

– The material quantity "space, length (L)" is expressed (determined) by its opposite – the ideal quantity "time (t)" in the natural law: L=t.c , according, t=L/с , where the factor (k=c) is a coefficient of proportionality (c – the speed of light). Other variants of this mutual determination are excluded from the law: One pair of opposites – one determination (here we also add the equality E.t2 =m.L2).

2. Quantification: The different quantities of a quality individuate pairs of opposites in which they are defined one by the other. This method of determination is the only one possible.

– The quantity "energy (E1)" is expressed (determined) by the quantity "energy (E2)" in the natural law: E1=n.E2 , respectively, E2=E1/n , where the factor (n) is a coefficient of proportionality (number). Other variants of this mutual determination are excluded from the law: One pair of opposites – one determination.

– In this regard, Relativistic Physics is completely confused. A stationary system K(x, t) and a system K'(x', t') moving inertially with velocity v relative to it form a pair of opposites, from which follows the simple definiteness called Lorentz transformations. Their final solution is: The quantities "length(x')" and "time(t') are expressed (determined) by the quantities "length(x)" and "time(t) in the natural law: x'=N.x , t'=N.t and x=x'/N , t=t'/N , where factor (N)= is a coefficient of proportionality (number). Other variants of this mutual determination are excluded from the law: One pair of opposites – one determination.  Again, it becomes clear that there is no "inseparable interweaving of space and time" (there are no paradoxes in Nature, no miracles; relativistic physics is contrary to rational thinking).

In the examples given, it is clearly seen that the opposites appear only in pairs, i.e. that opposite sides do not and cannot have a separately existence (at m=0, t=0 always follows E=0, L=0). It also becomes clear that, in a general way speaking, while physics and mathematics seek private knowledge how? specifically, as formulas, physical laws appear, then philosophy reveals why? their type is precisely this, and not some other (to what principles is the relationship between quantities subordinated).

In this line of thought, note M. Planck's formula for electromagnetic wave energy E=h.f , where (h) is Planck's constant and (f) is the frequency of the wave (number of oscillations per unit time). As can be clearly seen, here the physicist is in violation of the philosophical law. At first glance, it seems as if she has "discovered" a way to define energy without its opposite, mass (mass does exist, but it's hidden in the dimension of (h), which is telling). And since this simply cannot be done, the conclusion is forced that there is something wrong with this formula. According to the given examples, it must be either of the form: E=m.c2, or of the form E1=n.E2 (it is proved indisputably that it represents the quantification E1=n.E2, respectively, m1.c2=n.m2.c2).

2.10 Initial constant for energy

As we clarified, the primary state of matter must be described by initial constant quantities. And here the question logically arises: With this enormous progress of science, why do we still have no idea about any of them? Perhaps, the only meaningful answer is that there are serious gaps and mistakes made in modern physical views. This presumption directs us to the theory closest to the problem – Quantum Mechanics.

Straight to the question, even at its nascency, Quantum Physics falls into indefiniteness, arising mainly from the fundamental Planck constant h, which appears devoid of physical meaning. Therefore, we are heading to the law of energy E of the electromagnetic wave [4]:

E=h.f                             (1)

(f=n/t – wave frequency, respectively, number of oscillations n, per unit of time t)

We have already made it clear that this expression cannot be true because it violates the principle of mutual determination. Furthermore, at the energy of the oscillations, superimposition, accumulation, summation should be observed, while the frequency is a constant quantity. These arguments suggest that frequency is not an attribute of energy but of the power P of the wave process:

P=dE/dt=h.dn/dt [watt]                     .       (2)

And the correct formula for the energy will be:

(dE/dt).dt=h.dn [watt.sec]  or E=h.n         (3)

Here h appears as one of the initial constants – the finitely discrete portion of energy E0 – const. of one wave period (whole periods are integrated; intermediate positions are uncertainty). We summarize: The energy E of any periodic (cyclic) movement is equal to the energy h* of one period multiplied by the number (n) of periods. There are no reasons for exceptions to this rule, introducing determinism into Quantum Physics.

2. 11 Macroequivalents of the constant (h)

To illustrate the essence of the constant (h), we will give an example with the AK-47 (but for peaceful purposes). We perform  several  trials with different firing frequency (different frequency of the process sine wave). Result: Regardless of the firing frequency, the energy released is always equal to the energy h* – const. of one charge, multiplied by the number (n) of used charges (E=h*.n).

And the electricity meter is based on the same dependence. One revolution of the disc realizes the constant energy h* (depends only on the invariable dimensions of the disc and the material from which it is made). That is why the device is not interested in the frequency of the "rotation" process, but only counts the number (n) of rotations. That is, the energy expended is always equal to the energy h* – const. of one rotation of the disc, multiplied by the number (n) of rotations (E=h*.n).

2.12 Initial constant for mass

The philosophical law of definiteness prescribes in the physical law of energy (E) necessarily be present the mass (m), respectively, it requires against the Planck constant (h) to stands some mass m0 , obviously also a constant. So we come to the important relationship:

h/c2 = m0  – const.                             (4)

Here (c) is the speed of light, and m0 represents the wanted cherished, finitely discrete portion of mass corresponding to the energy E0=h – const. In fact, the natural order of the three constants is the mutual determination:

E0=h=m0.c2  and  E0/m0=h/m0=– const.                     (5)                                                                        where m0 – const. is the mass of the indivisible Democritus atom, and the coefficient k=d=c2 – const. counts its oscillation with maximum speed (c) or rest with maximum tension (d). Then the formula for the energy of the electromagnetic wave, expressed by the revealed content of the constant h , will look exactly according to the law of the determination:

E=h.n    or   E=(m0 .c2).n             (6)

Relation (5) is a basic (life-determining) characteristic of matter and a physical and philosophical key to its understanding. Here are some accents:

The Universe represents a united simple substance – matter. Matter is dualistic. Mass m0 means amount of matter.

The energy E0=h means the amount of ability to act of this matter.

– Besides the matter (spatial material factor) with its ability to act (non-spatial ideal factor), there is nothing else. Matter appears both the source and the object of development.

The mass/energy ratio (material/ideal factor) is inviolable. Mass cannot be converted to energy, nor energy to mass. There can be no energy without mass, as and no mass without energy.

The mass m0 with the energy E0=h are at every point in space (force field). Mass and energy are uncreatable and indestructible.

Energy cannot be transmitted/accepted from one place to another, etc., etc. dozens more qualitative-quantitative consequences (with many of them physics is in conflict due to ignorance).

2.13 Other initial constants – unity of forces

The mass m0 obviously represents a definite amount of matter. This quantitative determination, in turn, speaks of a limited volume, of a spatial form. And these are characteristics outlining the qualitative definition "material particle". Qualitative and quantitative definiteness are linked in a dialectical unity, so that the quantitative definiteness causes a qualitative and vice versa.


However, the material particles m0 cannot exist as a single universal quality, because then they would have to be glued together in some indefinite, continuous material whole, without the possibility of movement, which is contrary to reality. That is, to preserve the quality "particle", for its distinct delineation and possibility of movement, such as is the Objective Reality, around each particle m0 there must be the opposite quality – some immaterial, ideal, formless void. And since the immaterial, the empty, the "nothing" cannot be spatial, it would have to be stretch from the presence of the material particle as a nucleus. So the idea of a dualistic (material core, with empty surroundings), force-tense (charged with energy), primary cell of the initial material environment arises. The latter forms a space of material-ideal force lines, and with them also one single, absolutely immobile system K0.


Structured in this way, system K0 should be capable of self-motion within itself, expressed in a transverse oscillation of the mass m0 relative to the absolutely motionless void, in which it traverses its diameter completely, at once and without any loss of energy (due to the ideal nature of the relationship, the "movement-rest-movement" circle is eternal). In this sense, every movement, in its deep essence, represents spreading on a wave.

More specifically, the m0 nucleus should be provoking a force reaction from the side of non-spatial void around it. Thus, the pair of opposites forms the primary force-energy cell of matter (can't be charged/discharged) with size R0 and linear density ρ0=m0/R0 . We said that its energy is neither lost nor created. It only goes from a potential state (stressed rest k=d) to a kinetic state (motion with speed c and k=с2) and vice versa. That is, the condition will be in effect:

F0.R0 - m02 = 0                (7)

Then for the primary force F0, from which all forces originate, the dependence will be valid:

F002                        (8)

The linear density of the mass ρ0=m0/R0 is a physical indicator, the change of which is of extreme importance for the development of matter. Its evolutionary growth continues for billions of years – movement passes into rest. At a critical maximum, space is strained to a collapsing state (time also stops flowing). Follows at a leap (explosive) transition back to the opposite state of maximum motion (ρ0 – minimum). This concept is provable. The laws of dialectics also point us to it. We can assume that they derive precisely from this eternal cycle "motion-rest-motion".


The static variant of dependence (8) is:

F0 = (R02/m0).(m0.m0/R02)             (9)

In this well-known formula, the expression (R.c2/m0) will be the gravitational constant G. The dynamic variant also becomes apparent:

F0 = m0.a                           (10)

(the acceleration a = R/t2)


Further, the mass m0 has its boundary spatial and force-dynamic relations, marking the constant quantum beginning, from which the next determined structures of matter, respectively, the determined physics, arise. The elements of the quantum beginning are the extremely small (not infinitely small) quantities of differential mathematics starting onwards from this constant level. The micro world is a multiple of these natural scales, as the intermediate values are indeterminacy.


It should also be noted that all other constants, besides the basic m0, E0 =h and k , will be regional constants brooking slow changes over periods of hundreds of millions of years.


2.14 Principle of Similarity

In all their infinite variety, the derivatives of this quantum beginning can essentially represent nothing but its image and likeness. The entire Universe, in all its forms, up to and including galaxies, should be subordinate to the bipolar power model "material core" - "ideal, empty (or loose) surroundings". The situation is absolutely identical with living matter, starting from the simple cellular structures and reaching the high unity "material, spatial body"  - "ideal, non-spatial consciousness". A characteristic consequence of the initial dualism is and the two-sex system, with its way of functioning (in mammals and humans). In maximum generalization, the same represents the pair of opposites "definite, spatial, material, male nature" - "indefinite, non-spatial, ideal, female nature", whereupon the male nature is with adjustment to oscillate in the female. Otherwise stated, as we remove the psyche and emotions, what we call "sex" is a quantum mechanics par excellence.


2.15 Indeterminacy in Nature

According to the Principle of Opposites, definiteness cannot be absolute…there must also be indeterminacy, with the corresponding bifurcation – spatial and temporal indeterminacy. This is how definiteness itself gives rise to its opposite:

– Spatial (the quantitative) indeterminacy arises from the divisibility of matter to a finitely discrete initial element with diameter dmin . This means that the real origin O of every coordinate system cannot be a dimensionless mathematical point. The same applies to the location of a given object – for example point A on the X axis. Then the coordinate xA (the distance OA) of the object is marked with an impossible to remove uncertainty, because it is located somewhere between the theoretical maximum size xA + dmin and minimum size xA - dmin . That is, the definiteness of the xA coordinate cannot be other than approximate.

– Temporal (the qualitative) indeterminacy arises from the need to compare between the two opposites, which action requires technological time, namely: Comparison is a circular process that starts from the source object (the thesis) at moment t1, goes to its opposite (the antithesis) at moment t2, where it establishes the difference, and with this determining (synthesis) knowledge returns to the source object at moment t3. But at the moment t3 of the determination, the object-thesis is no longer the same, it is not the one from moment t1. For the time t3-t1 it has undergone changes ("everything flows" – Heraclitus, about 535-470 BC). The knowledge of the antithesis is also from the previous moment t2 . So the stated only possible way to determine quality turns out to be somewhat inaccurate. That is, the qualitative determinacy of the object cannot be other than approximate.

2.16 Indeterminacy in Cognition (unknowability of absolute truth)

The impossibility of realizing absolute definiteness leads to the impossibility of reaching the absolute truth about the objects, phenomena and processes, which white spot represents indeterminacy in Cognition. To demonstrate this imperative, we will offer two examples from the field of action of human sensibility. To demonstrate this imperative, we will offer two examples from the field of action of human sensibility. We know that it was created by Nature itself as the only input of the data from the external reality to the Consciousness. In this sense, it is accommodated to perform these duties of their own as accurately as possible and in all their fullness. In fulfillment of the task, we will focus on the way of sensory perception and reflection by the human organism of one material and one immaterial (ideal) reality.

In the first case, let the eye to observe a given material object. We are interested in how his vision itself proceeds (here the processes are very complicated, which is why we will present them only in their principle form). At the bottom of the eye is the retina with over 120-130 million sensory cells, converting light stimuli into nerve impulses. For convenience, we will speak generally of its functional scheme of action, more precisely, of its predominant rod-type cells.

The eye works alternately now with one half of the retinal mirror, now with the other. Its rod-shaped sensory cells contain the chemical substance rhodopsin, which undergoes conversions between its two opposite forms – cis-retinal, which is stable in the dark and unstable in the light, and trans-retinal, which conversely is unstable in the dark and stable in the light. In this situation, when the cells of one half of the retina be illuminated, the light-unstable cis-form begins to break down (the mechanism is not well studied). A series of photo isomerization reactions follow, in which the rhodopsin passes through a number of its unstable states. It is this transformation causes corresponding nerve impulses to the brain, making the object visible.

However, the last conversion reaction reaches the light-stable trans-form of the rhodopsin, and vision is terminated. Then the eye makes a shift so that the used part of the retina goes in the dark, and the fresh half coming from the dark field is illuminated. With this move, vision resumes according to the described scheme of activation of dissociate reactions. At the same time, in the depleted half of the retina filed to the dark, the trans-form, which is unstable under this condition, is directly recycled to the initial, dark-stable cis-retinal state. [5] Videlicet, the vision is carried out in the following working phases:

t1 - period of vision with the left half.

t2 - period of displacement, respectively, of not seeing, of blindness.

t3 - period of vision with the right half.

Or, realistically speaking, the eye initiates the creation in the brain of, let's call it, a left and a right image of the viewed object, separated by the dark segment of the absence of an image (everywhere the operation of the Principle of Oppositeness is visible...the eye seems to bifurcate the observed object). But we do not feel this discontinuity, because the described oscillation procedure takes place at an enormous speed...in one second the eye makes about 150 exchanges between the two areas of the retina. We explicitly emphasize that the image-free time interval t2 is irremovable, there is no way to remove it, to reduce it to zero. It is a zone of insensitivity of the eye.

The next example is that with maintaining the upright posture of the body by the vestibular apparatus. [6] Here it is not necessary to introduction with its structure and how it works. Just for the most general idea of this function, we will say that some crystals, on the principle of the plumb line, touch some hairs, whereby the mechanical irritation turns into nerve impulses. In this case, the vestibular apparatus is oriented along the ideal line of the gravitational vertical. Experimental data indicate that, in fact, the body does not stand still, aligned with the ideal vertical position, but imperceptibly to us swings "back and forth" around it. The reason for this behavior is as follows:

When the vestibular apparatus senses a deviation from the vertical, say, staggering forward, it immediately sends a signal about it to the brain. The brain activates the designated muscles for this and begins a reflex return of the body vice versa. The moment comes where it alignswith the vertical. The vestibular apparatus, however, does not react, remains passive. Accordingly, without information submitted, the brain is inactive. So there is no way for the body to be "anchored" in this ideal position. And it bypasses the vertical in a backward deflection. Only then, the vestibular apparatus, having sensed the new deviation, alerts the brain. Followed by a reverse action command, where the vertical is again bypassed in a forward deflection, and so on. a series of unceasingly repeated totters "back and forth" (the vestibular apparatus seems bifurcates the vertical).

Apparently, the ability of the vestibular apparatus to sense the force line of gravity is lost in the zone of alignment with it. It is arranged in such a way that it becomes insensitive around the vertical - the reflex arc is interrupted for time t. The vestibular apparatus "does not know" exactly where the vertical is, but it senses deviations from it. This "handicap" of his cannot be avoided in any way, it is not subject to correction.

The processes in both at the eye and at the vestibular apparatus (it refers to the entire sensory system), apart from their physiological functionality, also have a more general understanding, representing interest to us, to which we must pay attention. In depth, the two examples described merge into a common legal platform, allowing us to bring to the fore several indisputable conclusions:

– In the reality surrounding us, every object, phenomenon and process exists in a single definite form, which is the absolute truth for them. But human senses are not able to directly feel and reflect it, because they, like the entire Universe, are built on the Principle of opposites, are built to feel only differences, work only in conditions of opposition (when deviating from the absolute truth, the sensations are strongest and most contrasting, and upon alignment with it shall be terminated). That is, absolute truth exists as an objective determination, but it is unattainable for our sensibility and, therefore, is in principle unknowable.

– As have seen, our senses perceive a given object or phenomenon not in its absolute form, but in approximation to it. However, this subjectivism does not take place in an arbitrary order, but is realized in a single, strictly regulated way by the Principle of Opposites – by embracing the absolute truth between two of its opposite reflections. Or the copy that human senses make of the absolute truth is with deviations (inconsistencies) from it, which are, however, negligibly small. They represent the limit of our possibilities for cognitive reproduction of Objective Reality. As it turned out, this limit is positioned as close as possible to the absolute truth. Precisely on this reason we say that we know external reality with the necessary and sufficient accuracy. We know it as the quantitative and qualitative definiteness that it represents.


Thinking in this legal framework, respectively, the Cognition by opposition, albeit with an insurmountable moment of indeterminacy shown, is defined as "logical" and "common sensibly". It was clearly seen that the senses depict with sufficient truth the available external quantitative-qualitative determinations. So in Nature, respectively, in Knowledge, there is no place for paradoxes or any such oddities. Let's repeat. All indications point to the conclusion that the Universe is built on the Principle of Oppositeness, which is a Principle of Definiteness, and hence a Principle of Knowability. From the Principle of Oppositeness derives the highly heuristic Principle of Similarity, allowing us to judge from the surface layers about those in depth and so on to the starting point (by the characteristics of the latter to know the features of the first). In this sense, we are talking about a generally valid, substantial essence. We are talking about an overall, quantitatively and qualitatively determined scientific product coming from the very bottom of matter, which Physics, with the assistance of Philosophy and Mathematics, is called upon to reveal in the necessary details. And more, Nature, Society and Cognition develop under the action of uniform laws. Alternatives are impossible. The truth is one. The processes (natural, social, cognitive) controlled by "their vestibular apparatuses" make oscillatory movements (deviations) around it.




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(Dimov D. – Practical Otolaryngology, Plovdiv 2001, pp. 32-33, 48-49, 52-53)

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