
сряда, 8 февруари 2023 г.



The difference (oppositeness) of objects leads to their recognition due to the possibility of determining one through the other. At the identity, such possibility is absent. It is impenetrable, means indeterminacy, relativity. There are no proportions in it, no mathematics. How, then, does Special Relativity enter into the identity of its inertial systems and reveal their relations? Answer: Introducing definiteness between the systems through a total manipulation of thinking...from self-delusion. Videlicet, this Theory is wrong from the beginning to the end. It starts with the Principle of Relativity. Then, without suspecting, he abandons it and works with the Principle of Determination. Finally, it returns to relativity – another illogical step, giving life to the ridiculous paradoxes. Thus, in its essence, the Special Relativity represents a Special Theory of Definiteness, but disfigured by tragicomic relativity.

In reality, Special Relativity is not built on the Principle of Relativity. Relativity means indeterminacy, something unknowable that does not yield itself to researching. The sensory-brain apparatus minutely makes us understand that the world around us is built on the Principle of qualitative-quantitative determination. Therefore it is knowable and measurable. This Principle is everywhere, including in our senses and mind – it conditions common sense thinking. And the fact that contemporary physics is full of inexplicable abstractions, ridiculous paradoxes and indeterminacies cannot be attributed to anything other than mistakes made that are subject to elimination.

We'll start from the beginning itself. On the basis of qualitative determinism, the science of Natural Philosophy arises, operating with the apparatus of concepts. From the quantitative determination the science of Mathematics stems, dealing with the interrelationship of numbers. And simultaneously, from the qualitative and quantitative determination, as a unified mathematical-philosophical section, the science of Physics appears, called to give the complete picture of the reality surrounding us. This is why the physical quantities are dualistic. They are formed as fully fixed two-component operators (number). (concept-scale). There is nothing else in them. From here, the quantity "length" represents the dualism (number).(meter), and the quantity "time" represents the dualism (number).(second).

This fundamental duality leads to the conclusion that the "United Space-Time" abstraction is a delusion. Because the meter and the second do not intertwine (there is nothing else to intertwine). Inspection with the Lorentz transformations shows it. The output quantities x, c and t are completely determined. As a result, the orthodox dependences are obtained: x=c.t, t=x/c, and with them the one-valued ratios: x'=N.x , t'=N.t , where  N=(1- v/c)1/2/(1+ v/c)1/2

The following is an example to explain the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment: Taste receptors do not feel the taste of saliva; thermoreceptors do not feel body temperature. Why? Because the agent-receptor pair represents identity, unknowable indeterminacy, relativity. And the senses sense and signal the brain only when there are differences, when there is definiteness. It is the universal Principle of Determination coming from the quantum essence of matter. As confirmation, the interferometers of Fizeau and Sagnac "sense" the motion of system K' because they are positioned outside of it, in the stationary system K (definiteness=knowability). While in the Michelson-Morley experiment the device is in the moving system K', is identical with it. For this reason, the result will always be zero here. Unless we break identity. How?

A compensating mechanism operates between the round-trip paths of the left and right light signals. We have to spoil it. For this purpose, we place a glass plate with a thickness of d=1mm on the "going" path of the signals. Calculations show that then there will be about a 0.35mm difference between the crests of the two waves.

But let's get back to the sensory system. The vestibular apparatus keeps the body upright along the gravitational vertical line. However, he only senses the deviations from it (that's how he's built). In the zone of the vertical itself, identity is obtained and sensation ceases. Therefore, the body performs a constant sway back and forth. The area around the vertical remains unknowable, it represents an irremovable element of indefiniteness. Videlicet, the determinateness of our Knowledge is approximate. The absolute truth is unattainable.

The same is confirmed by the eye's physiology. It produces a left and right image of the observed object. Between the two images, where the object itself is located, the eye ceases to see. The object as absolute truth remains unattainable. These are inviolable laws.

But they do not seem to apply to Special Relativity. It unobstructedly enters the identity of the considered inertial systems and reveals their relations. It also calmly synchronizes clocks, capturing the absolute truth of light signals. How does he achieve these impossible to achieved things?

The answer is: Through total mind manipulation…of course, by self-delusion. Namely: In order to present his first postulate – the identical inertial systems K'(x', t') and K''(x'', t'') moving against each other, the author has stood in a stationary system K( x, t). There is no other way. Follows the unshakable law: Two systems (K' and K'') relating equally to a third (system K) are identical to each other. Or from the equality of the relations K'/K=K''/K', the identities K'=K'', respectively x'=x'' and t'=t'', will be valid. Between systems K' and K'' there are no transformations, no mathematics. That's the end of the Theory. Another result of the Principle of Relativity cannot be obtained.

However, the author begins to improvise. Contrary to any logic, he wants to distinguish the same systems (the same but different?!). For this purpose, fictitiously, according to him, he accepts one as stationary. He is in a completely ignorance that by making the systems opposite, he introduces a definiteness between them, the result of which are the Lorentz transformations. In a word, the Author sets out with the Principle of Relativity. But then he abandoned it and built his Theory on the Principle of Determination.1

The next step is again ludicrously illogical – a return to the Principle of Relativity by unifying the already fixed two opposing viewpoints. The mind-created phenomenon of "both difference and sameness" gives life to the famous paradoxes. Their failure can be demonstrated by Michelson's experiment, transferred to the motionless Ether and observed from the moving Earth. This reverse viewpoint gives a lengthening of the meter and second, which is mock...it is obtained from the measurement with the shortened moving scales.

The conclusion is categorical: Special Relativity is wrong from start to finish. In its essence, it represents a Special Theory of Definiteness, but disfigured by tragicomic relativity.


1. Николов А. – Към смяна на идеите във философията и физиката, С. 1999, част II – Принцип на определеността, стр. 178-278

(Nikolov A. – Towards a change of ideas in philosophy and physics, Sofia 1999, part II - Principle of definiteness, p. 178-278)


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