Abstract (MT)
Relativity of the inertial systems only determines a
transition from a stationary system Kpeace
– Kp(xp, tp) into moving Kmotion – Km(xm, tm). This is because an each observer builds a thesis
(step 1) into the its own system, which is always stationary to him. The other
moves and he passes into it to form an antithesis (step 2). In this order the
relationship between the times is: tm=1/b(tp-v.xp/c2), where b=(1-v2/c2)1/2 – transition from Кp in Кm,
relatively moving viewpoint Кm (the relativity excludes
transformation into a stationary system).
Keywords: special
theory, relative time.
Now we will
show the way in which scientists enforce
on Einstein's incorrect conclusion
for time and so more than one
hundred years sow delusion and chaos in
the science – presumably because of a
misunderstanding of relativity. It is necessary to gain an insight into the words
of the original & 3 (A.
Einstein – On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, 1905, part I, §3, http://www.fourmilab.ch/etexts/einstein/specrel/www/).
We quote itself paragraph:
As plainly as anything!
Relativity of the inertial systems only determines a transition from a
stationary system Kpeace
– Kp(xp, tp) into moving Kmotion – Km(xm, tm). This is because an each observer builds a thesis
(step 1) into the its own system, which is always stationary to him. The other
moves and he passes into it to form an antithesis (step 2). In this order the
relationship between the times is:
– transition from Кp
in Кm, relatively moving
viewpoint Кm (1Т)
However, the
scientists are literally implicate in
the concretization "Inertial system K'(x', t') is moving to
the right towards a stationary system K(x, t) with velocity v
along the axes X'ºX."
They do not realize the relativity of the indications of the systems and fix
them as a stationary K and moving K'. The result is appearing the deceitful set of
transformations which becomes sacred to the official science:
t'=1/b(t-v.x/c2) –
moving viewpoint К' (1Т)
t=1/b(t'+v.x'/c2) –
stationary viewpoint К (2Т)
How convenient
are these formulas...with an option to decide when as being necessary! If the
Einstein's conclusion was t=t'.b,
the physicists would use (1T). But because it is t'=t.b, they operate with (2T) (incidentally, why they properly
work with (1T) in the conclusion about the length??). What a convincingly, mature, independently thinking! Let
us repeat: The relativity excludes transformation into a stationary system (the
same is an attribute of the Principle of Opposites). In the case in accordance
with its objective presence, the correct estimate is:
K is making a transition in the
moving for it system K'.
– moving
viewpoint К' (1Т)
Observer K' is making a transition in the
mirrored moving for it system K.
t=1/b(t'+v.x'/c2) – mirrored moving viewpoint К
This is the meaning of relativity. Its philosophy is based only on thesis and antithesis (without a synthesis returning). From (1T) it is obvious that will be available always tm>tp, respectively, t'>t (second K'<second K – time K' is accelerating). That is, the Einstein's conclusion of time is categorically incorrect.
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